Any club event which falls on a day designated as TOTAL FIRE BAN for the region(s) within which the ride is to be held is automatically cancelled.
Please monitor this website, our Facebook Page or newsletter for event updates.
2 March Stephen Sheppard Memorial Tiddlers Run, Llanelly
A short relaxing run to get the smaller bikes, the pioneers, older machines, tadpole sand tiddlers on the road. All pre 1931 bikes welcome to attend and share the moment. As previously we have planned 2 runs. A short run of 23km from Llanelly to Bridgewater Bakery for the real tiddlers (Total 46kms). The longer route will also leave from Llanelly and meet up with the tiddlers at the Bridgewater Bakery after a 45km ride followed by a return ride of 23kms (Total 68kms). Start is from the Llanelly Hall at 10.30am. BYO or purchase lunch from the Bridgewater bakery, famous for their Vanilla slices. Return ride to the Llanelly Hall for a cuppa. You can camp the night before at the Llanelly Hall which has a shower and toilet for $10 a night. For early arrivals we can have a Saturday afternoon run.
Organiser: Murray Wright 0448 112 622
29-30 March AMCCA Annual Rally, Camperdown PLEASE NOTE AMENDED DATE
Rally details & entry from in next newsletter (Feb 2025)
Rally will be held at the Lakes & Craters Holiday Park, 220 Park Road, Camperdown. For bookings please phone 03 5593 1253 or website
Organisers: Jane Davis – 0429 389 457 or Julie Mansbridge – 0427 626 033
4 May Otway Day Run
Gather at the Deans Marsh Recreation Reserve, Pennyroyal Valley Road, Deans Marsh (second gateway) 9.30am for cuppa before a 10am departure. Travel via Forrest to Birregurra for lunch before returning to Deans Marsh via Bambra and Deans Marsh. Choice of cafes/pub for lunch or BYO to eat in the park. Approx 100 kms, NO FUEL
Organiser: Jennifer McDonald – 0401 992 166
1 June Winter Wanderer Day Run, Maldon
The run will be approximately 80kms around the district. Start from the North British mine site at Maldon at 10.30am. Lunch stop at Castlemaine. BYO or purchase lunch.
Organiser: Colin Sargent – 0408 378 559.
June/July/August Swap/Social Shed Day – Any volunteers?
Please contact Colin Sargent – 0422 205 321
September AGM and Day Run, Warrenheip
Organiser: Colin Sargent – 0408 378 559
19 – 24 October 15th National Veteran Motorcycle Rally (Ballarat)
Rally headquarters will be the Big 4 Ballarat Windmill Holiday Park, 56 Remembrance Drive, Cardigan.
Expression of interest can be found online on the Rally Facebook page or at
For further details contact:
Chris Ridsdale – 0448 425 001 or
Rally Director Murray Wright – 0448 112 622 or